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Breeding cards
The meal


- Snakes

- Lizards

- Turtles-Tortoises



- Beetles

- Others bugs

- Mantids

- Butterflies

- Phasmids


- Tarantulas

- Scorpions

- Millipedes



Here we are, you decided on the reptile or the tarantula which you want to raise. You managed to convince your relatives (parents) or your spouse of the interest of your future protégé. But if you crossed this way, it is necessary to find him now the environment which is convenient for him best so that he lives in maximal conditions.

We are going to describe you some terrariums which agree for the most common animals as well as the various systems of heater.

Be careful please, do not confuse Aquarium withTerrarium. One would be tried to make the mixture and to put its snake in an aquarium. The use is different, the terrarium allows better to manage the thermic differences (when to remove you the lid of the aquarium, all the warm air goes away) and also to manipulate its animal with more ease.

It is completely possible to fit out an aquarium in terrarium but concerns major will be the aerations. If you begin, do not possess a lot of means, it is playable but as soon as you will have the occasion of it, change for the terrarium truth conceived for your protégés.

The size and the shape of the terrarium will adapt themselves to animals. It is advised generally that the terrarium possesses 2 aerations, the first, below on the front and the second, at the bottom on the roof (to see following sketch), as well as one (or two) sliding door(s).

Here are terrariums types:

1/ basic model
Pour lézards, serpents, mygales,...
2/ vertical
Pour les espèces arboricoles (souvent humide)
3/ horizontal
Pour les espèces terrestres (désertiques par exemple)

For phasmes, a tinkered aquarium (with the wire netting as the lid) can do the affair or a terrarium of type vertical for tree-dwelling sorts (example n°2 above).


For amphibians (frogs, newts, etc....), you have the choice among:

- The aquarium for Xénopes, Typhlo, Axolotl,

- And the aquaterrarium for Bombina, Pleurodéles, Dendrobates, etc....


1/ Aquarium
2/ Compound Aquaterrarium of an aquatic part and a dry or swampy zone.

The central separation should be placed according to the specific needs in your amphibien, one is not obliged to make a tub 50/50 water/earth, one distributes +/- according to.

It is necessary to include a system of filtration in the 2 modéles, either external, or internal.

The external is of type one of exit of water pump Eheim or Sacem with a pipe of arrival and. The internal is a small filter which one immerses totally (RENA or others). The one as the other one allow to create a fountain in your aquarium which will be of the most beautiful effect and will recreate a little more the natural environment.

The power of the filter will be proportional in the volume of the aquarium, the number and the size of the occupants. Generally, 2/3 time the volume by the hour is sufficient with a replacement of water every week for example (20 %). It is on the other hand necessary to avoid creating a too strong current which could indeed perturb animals. You can "block" the opening of the exit with a cliff or a root to scatter the current.


For the heater, you can use a submersible heater which you immerse altogether in the bowl. It should correspond too to the volume of the aquarium, 50 watts will be amply self-important for 50 liters of water to be warmed.


The only inconvenience of the aquaterrarium is the problem of the evaporation. Indeed, some vapor will settle on panes and dedicates will prevent from observing your small companions. One can mitigate it concerns by placing of good aerations on the roof, but not too important because a good draft can be fatal for some.


For terrariums, it is more simple:

- Or by patches or heating threads,
- By spotlights (for breeding chick or special reptiles, more expensive).

In the 2 cases, the source of heat should be only in a single corner(place) of the terrarium, to allow the reptiles to choose their temperature, what is called the thermorégulation (to see sketch A, B and C).

It is evident that it is necessary to couple your resistance with a thermostat (very precise but rather dear Biotherm, or of apartment, less expensive but less precise also). Some thermostats allow even , when they are scheduled, to lower automatically the night-temperature of some degrees to recreate even better the natural conditions of life of your reptile.

The thread or the heating plate can be placed under the terrarium but by being careful not to break the bottom because of the thermic effort!

For the suspended spotlight, it is advised to surround it with wire netting to avoid in the animals to hang from it and to burn there.


For the lighting, one will place the neon or the spotlight of type U.V. inside the terrarium, and for the other types, outside.

To come, SUBSTRATUM and DECORATIONEn travaux !!!

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