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Breeding cards
The meal


- Snakes

- Lizards

- Turtles-Tortoises



- Beetles

- Others bugs

- Mantids

- Butterflies

- Phasmids


- Tarantulas

- Scorpions

- Millipedes


En travaux !!!Some Insects...


Cetonia aurata
Cetonischema aeruginosa
Cetonischema speciosa jousselini
Chelorrhina polyphemus confluens
Chloracla africana smaragdina
Smaragdesthes africana oertzeni
Copris lunaris
Dicranorhina derbyana layardi
Eudicella smithi bertherandi & D. derbyana layardi
Eudicella smithi bertherandi
Pachnoda ephippiata
Pachnoda marginata peregrina
Pachnoda orphanula nachtigalli
Stephanorrhina guttata guttata
Trichius fasciatus
Dicranorhina micansDicranorhina oberturiGymnetys pantherinaPotosia cupressus

Stadiums of growth of beetle :Larve (3 stades larvaires)Nymphe, coques vides et pleinesImago or real insect

Breeding flower beetles


Beetles are find almost everywhere in the world, tropics in our European gardens. One can maintain them in an aquarium of modest size (about twenty liters), but it is necessary to separate them according to the stages of evolution. Indeed, larvas tend, to many of them, to the cannibalism, what one does not meet at the adult's. You should even have to for some raise them individually. It is advised by the good to feed them to limit this problem. Larvas of the kind Pachnoda live very well among them.

For the adults, a tub covered with a railings (because they fly!!!) filled in the middle of a mixture of compost (described farther), some boughs and ends of barks put on the ground, lit 10 at 12 o'clock a day and warmed in 20 / 25°C. Keep them to ambient temperature of an apartment is completely possible but the cycle of growth will be extended it.

For larvas, that they are in group or in the unity, one limps tuck in 3/4 of compost is enough, with or without lighting, and warmed as the adults.

For the food of the adults, you can have in a small dish of fruits and vegetables as a banana, an orange, apples, carrots, and pollen.

For larvas, they are nourishing on organic matters in decomposition in the compost. This last one consists of compost, dead leaves (oak, beech, or chestnut tree) and of wood in decomposition collected in forest (be carreful to crush a lot the wood, it can transport other insects parasites as scolopendrids which would attack and kill your larvas). Please , never put a conifer !!! The mixture of compost should be wet without being diluted. The compost should be replaced as soon as one observes the plentiful presence of excrements. You can also give them some ends of fruits by paying attention not to let them rot. The sorts of customs more carnivorous (Eudicella, Dicranorhina...) will eat also croquettes(food) for dogs/cats pushed in the ground.

The growth varies according to the sorts and the care which are brought to them. As example, Pachnoda's larva puts 3/4 month to develop, one of Eudicella, 5 - 6. More beetle is big, more growth is long. More the food is rich, more larvas are big and very fat. There is then 1 in 2 months of nymphose, then some weeks in some months of life in the grown-up stage.


Beetles is diurnal and appreciates a source of heat. They feed at the warmest moment and often couple on their food. Females lay every day some eggs which they bury.

They ask generally for not enough care and reproduce very well in captivity. They are one fascinating subject of studies for schools as for oldest'people !!! ;o)

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