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 Elaphe guttata guttata Albinos rouge 

The Cold-blooded animals, symbolic figure sometimes badly seen in our catholic parts of the country, sometimes worshipped to the others (India for example). These animals do not leave anybody indifferent.

Except the famous cobras and the snake with bell, without speaking about boas, pythons and about the other anaconda which are for the first very dangerous and the second often of respectable size (6m for the burmese python), many of the other crawling reptiles contain more ease in the breeding in terrarium for a private individual.


These grass-snakes exceed rarely 2 métre and are of a relatively quiet character. Manipulations are even possible without too many risks (limited to a simple small bite in the worst) although they are disadvised for the general health of the animal. It is in the terrarium that this one will take advantage in best of the chosen temperature and will avoid thermic shocks and drafts.


For the beginner, we prefer to advise these variety show of grass-snakes:

- The corn snake,

- The king snake,

- House snake,

- And the garter snake

 Elaphe guttata guttata Albinos rougeLampropeltis getulus californae désertique rayé

The Corn Snake (Elaphe guttata) and the King Snake (Lampropeltis getulus californae) come both of North America and mainly United States. They are reproduced in captivity for long years anddifferent forms of colours are commercialized.

Their grown-up size is of 1,5 in 2m and they are not delicate. These reproduce rather easily and have good character. They feed on rodents (mice mainly). On the other hand, Lampropeltis is cannibal and can live with other snakes only in breeding's period. Some specimens manage sometimes to live together but this is not without risk.


Boaedon fuliginosus

The House Snake (Lamprophis/Boaedon fuliginosus) comes from Africa. The nickname comes from the fact which it often goes into houses to feed on rodents, by clearing so the inhabitants. Of more modest size, rarely more than a metre, he is very nice. For the reproduction, they are real athletes, females can lay until 5/7 times a year and about about ten eggs every time. The food must be important and for base of rodents of small sizes (young mice).

 Thamnophis sauritus

The Garter Snake (Thamnophis sp) comes mainly of North America. Their grown-up size is about 1,20 m. It feeds of fishes (dead or lively) and amphibians, where from their interest. He is more often evident to obtain a goldfish and to keep it certain time at the house rather than one mouse. Some will find it "less bestial".

The conditions of breeding of all these sorts are about identical, except for Thamnophis which ask for a pond more important for the catch. The temperature of the terrarium will be in the warmest place between 26 and 28 °C and in the most freshly between 22 and 24 °C. The food will make according to the age of the animal: twice the week for young one of the year and 1 time every 1 or 2 weeks for an adult.

Some of these grass-snakes can hope to live more than 20 years.


These animals shall bring you a lot of pleasure in all the domains that is observation or reproduction. They will allow you also to give a better idea of these magnificent snakes with the novices or reluctant people.

Python regius

1/Sensitive Souls to refrain: The meal of snakes!!! 

3/ How to shed its skinor the history of a too small sock;-)

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